Lorna Marchant Counselling
07795 106498
Lorna Marchant M.A. MBACP (Reg) FBACP
Honorary Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Counselling, Psychotherapy, Consultative Supervision and Training
Lorna Marchant M.A. MBACP (Reg) FBACP
Honorary Fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Counselling, Psychotherapy, Consultative Supervision and Training
My experience as a counsellor and psychotherapist working with adults and
young people spans more than 25 years. In those 25 years I have worked with the
emergency services, in schools, with charities working with adults who have
experienced childhood abuse, child exploitation and refugees.
I have researched and worked with clients with disordered eating as
well as those who have experienced trauma. When I am working with bereavement
the way that I work is rooted in the research I have undertaken; the impact of a sudden death during childhood.
I will work with you with the knowledge and experience I have gained during my counselling career, I will be working to understand and empathise with you. I offer a non-judgemental space and it is this that clients say is so helpful in our work together.
I also supervise counsellors and psychotherapists nationally and internationally, please check out my supervision page.
I offer counselling and supervision online through Zoom, Skype or other platforms.
If you would like to meet with me and talk through what's bothering you and have a confidential space to talk please get in touch.
If you feel you cannot afford to have counselling or maybe you find yourself on a long NHS waiting list, contact me and we can discuss the fee together.
If you would like to book an initial session or discuss having some counselling please email me at
07795 106498

If you need help urgently:
Please remember there are organisations who you can get in touch with
Samaritans - 116123
MIND - 0300 102 1234
SANELINE - 0300 304 7000 (4.30 to 10pm daily)
ChildLine: 0800 1111
Shout (Txt) - 85258 (24/7) Shout UK breathing exercise video is available on YouTube.
Campaign against living miserably (CALM) - 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to Midnight daily)
Refuge - 0808 200 0247 refuge.org.uk